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Network on Services for Persons with Intellectual Disability


1. 2022-23 Membership List   (According to Alphabetical Order)

2. 關注議題及跟進工作 (Chinese Version Only)

3. 周年福利議及優次  (Chinese Version Only)



1. Membership List




Ms. Kari LAU Miu-chun (Convener)

St. James' Settlement

Dr. Karen LING Kam-har

Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong

Ms. Carmen LEE Shuk-ha

Caritas – Hong Kong

Ms. TO Suet-ching

Caritas – Hong Kong

Dr. Rommel HUNG Chi-hong

Castle Peak Hospital

Dr. CUI Jia-liang

Chinese University Hong Kong

Ms. WONG Mei-lan

Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong

Mr. CHOW Tak-hung

Chosen Power (People First Hong Kong)

Ms. Ivy LEUNG Siu-ling

Christian Family Service Centre

Ms. Tammy WONG Tin-ling

Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired

Ms. SIN Fung-yee

Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - H K

Ms. Frankie TSUI Kwan-yin

Fu Hong Society

Ms. Carmen TSANG

Haven of Hope Christian Service

Ms. Heidi SZETO

Heep Hong Society

Ms. Zuie LIN

Hong Chi Association

Mr. David TONG Siu-hon

Hong Kong Association of Workers Serving People with Intellectual Disabilities Ltd

Ms. Randi MA Chui-ling

Hong Kong Christian Service

Ms. Erica LEE

Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association, The

Ms. CHAN Yuen-wa

Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped

Mr. Leo HUI Chi-man

Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service

Ms. Alen LEE

Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association

Ms. Sally TSE

Hong Kong PHAB Association

Ms. Pearl YUEN Yuk-chun

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council

Ms. Cansy LI

Hong Kong Society for the Blind, The

Mr. LAM Kwok-wai

Hong Kong Special Schools Council

Mrs. Ko Tong Wai-chu

Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League Limited, The

Ms. KWAN Pui-ying

Lok Chi Association

Ms. CHAN Ngar-lai

Mary Rose School

Ms. Candy SHUM Mui-fong

Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, The

Ms. Sonia PANG

Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council

Ms. Sara CHAN Tsz-shan

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

Ms. Julie LEE LAU Chu-lai

Parents’ Association of Pre-school Handicapped Children, The

Mr. Michael SZE

Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong

Ms. Blanche WONG Mui-yu

Po Leung Kuk

Ms. Rebecca YUEN Pui-ling

Rare Disease Hong Kong Limited

Ms. Winnie HUI Ling-ling


Ms. Miranda TANG

Salvation Army, The

Ms. LAU Shuk-mei

St. James’ Settlement

Ms. Mabel LO


Mr. Joseph YUEN

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Mr. Ron CHEUNG Wing-yan

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Ms. Jenny YU Man-wai

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Ms. Sandy MA Sau-lan

Wai Ji Christian Service

Mr. Ocean TSANG

Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department

Ms. Christine CHAN Hoi-yim

Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

Ms. LO Yin-kam

Yuk Chi Resource Centre



2. 關注議題及跟進工作  Chinese Version Only)




  1. 智障人士老化工作小組將繼續跟進有關智障人士老齡化的政策及服務發展。小組將舉行「年長智障人士生活質素──探索與前瞻」研討會,從服務發展方向、家庭及社區支援的角度去關顧及提升年長智障人士的優質生活。
  2. 社區支援服務工作小組關注殘疾人士服務長期護理政策發展,跟進殘疾人士地區支援中心的營運合約更新事宜以及嚴重殘疾人士家居照顧服務先導計劃常規化的具體時間表及執行方案。
  3. 住宿服務工作小組重點跟進發牌制度及產生之相關事項,以及探討具自閉症特徵舍友的院舍照顧。



3. 周年福利議題及優次    (Chinese Version Only)









成立專責工作小組,盡快與業界及家長共同研究殘疾人士老齡化的問題,就 (1) 現行針對殘疾人士老齡化的服務進行檢討;及 (2) 制定長遠政策及進行服務規劃。


  1. 檢討「職業康復延展計劃」和「展能中心延展照顧計劃」,包括:

  • 暫緩服務單位需額外補收的名額,直至完成全面檢討為止;

  • 彈性處理計劃的收納年齡規定,建議評估老化的對象年歲提前至41歲以上及40歲或以下懷疑有老化現象的智障人士;及

  • 按服務單位中每名被評估為老化的服務使用者提供定額補助,而補助名額可按實際需要而定,不需局限於固定數目。


  1. 制定長遠政策及進行服務規劃,包括:

  • 檢視現行各項康復服務模式和人手編制,並制定整體服務未來策略及研究合適服務模式。






Tung Wah Group of Hospitals


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